Displaying 1 - 10 of 215 results
God is faithful to his promises
Season 18 Ep 7
Why should Christians abstain from sin despite the promise of forgiveness?
In this video we will address the question: If all Christians have been forgiven and promised forgiveness, why should they abstain from sin?
An altar based on God's Promises
Season 17 Episode 4
trusting on God's promises
Season 15 Episode 1
سه تولد، یک وعده
پذیرش پیام "مورد لطف قرار گرفتن" برای مریم آنقدر آسان و بیدردسر نبود اما براستی چه بود که باعث شد این زن پیام فرشته را "مژده" بداند و تسلیم آن شود؟...