Episodes in this series Pray for Conviction to Forgive Others He will Refresh our Soul because of His Name We are Slaves to Hope We have Access to the Armour of God in Intercession We Fix our Eyes on You Intercede for the World and Stand in the Gap Through Fasting Rejoice and Pray, Always Prayer, our main weapon in battles Salvation and Victory is for Our God Repent for the Sin of Your Nation and Yourself Our Reaction in tribulation He is Able to Change the Situation Church's Faithful Prayer Give time to Fasting Prayer is the Answer How to disciple our Children Why Jesus washed disciple's feet? If any of you are in Hardship, Pray Praying for Domestic and Sexual Abuse Fix your eyes on Christ Pray for Protection and God's Will Our Faith Cast out All Fears If we die with him we will also rise with him Holy Spirit Gave Victory to Samson Prayer in Hardship Leads to Revival Declare God's kingdom on the situations you're thankful for 40 Days of Prayer and Intercession Jesus' Prayer for Sanctification Pray like Elijah Rejoice and Pray Always and Give thanks in all Circumstances The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working Praying for the protection of the Children Sanctify your body as His Temple Our prayers can change history